
24 lines
901 B

!3 [[!-SetUp and TearDown-!][.FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteResponderTests.SuiteTestResponders.SuiteSetUpAndTearDown]] are rendered as [[Collapsable Sections][.FitNesse.MarkupCollapsableSection]].
* First create a normal page, plus header and footer pages.
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|Page attributes.|valid?|
|!-SetUp-!|set up||true|
|!-TearDown-!|tear down||true|
* Now request the test page
|Response Requester.|
* Ensure that the setup and and teardown text appear in the test page along with the header and footer.
|Response Examiner.|
|type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?|
|contents|.*(set up).*(test).*(tear down).*|true||
!|Response Examiner.|
|contents|<div class="collapsible closed">.*<div>set up</div>|true|
|contents|<div class="collapsible closed">.*<div>tear down</div>|true|