!3 A Fixture for entering rows of data. Sometimes, as in the [[!-BuildOperateCheck-!][<UserGuide.WritingAcceptanceTests.AcceptanceTestPatterns.BuildOperateCheck]] pattern, we want to add a bunch of data to a database. Or sometimes we want to call a function over and over again with different arguments. This is often done in order to configure the system for a subsequent fixture that will run tests based upon the configured data. We have seen examples where this was done with the help of a ''valid()'' function. RowEntryFixture is a better option in many cases. * RowEntryFixture is an abstract class. You have to derive from it. * It derives from ColumnFixture and works just the same way it does. * You override the ''enterRow'' function to add your data to the database. * If you have trouble adding your data, you throw an exception loaded with a message explaining the problem. |Comment| |{{{public abstract void enterRow() throws Exception;}}}|Override this function to add your row of data. Throw an exception if there are any problems.| Here is an example of a very simple RowEntryFixture: {{{public class RowEntryExample extends RowEntryFixture { public int v; public void enterRow() throws Exception { if (v == 0) throw new Exception("Oh, no! Zero!"); } } }}} And here you can see it running. |!-fitnesse.fixtures.RowEntryExample-!| |v| |1| |0|