The !-!see-! widget takes a page name as argument.  It displays the fully qualified page name in bold, prefixed by '''See:'''

|!c '''Markup Text'''|!c '''Displayed as'''|
|!-!see SomeTestPage-!|!see SomeTestPage|

Create some page.

|start|Page Builder|
|line|Dummy Text|

Create a suite page with a !-!see-! widget

|start|Page Builder|
|line|!-!see SomePage-!|

Get the Suite page.

|Response Requester.|
|uri   |valid?|

|Response Examiner.|

Make sure the page name is formatted properly

!|Response Examiner.|
|type  |pattern|matches?|
|contents|<b>See: <a href=.*>SomePage</a></b>|true|

Check the !-!see-! widget with decorated !-SubWiki-! markup.

Create another page.

|start|Page Builder|
|line|Dummy Text|

Create a page with a !-!see-! widget with decorated markup

|start|Page Builder|
|line|!-!see [[another page][.AnotherPage]]-!|

Get the Suite page.

|Response Requester.|
|uri   |valid?|

|Response Examiner.|

Make sure the page name is formatted properly

!|Response Examiner.|
|type  |pattern|matches?|
|contents|<b>See: <a href=.*>another page</a></b>|true|