!2 Test variables declared on parent page.
When a variable is expressed on a page, if that variable was not defined on that page, then !-FitNesse-! looks on the parent pages until it finds one that has the variable.
!3 Test parent variable
 * Build parent page with variable definition.
|start|Page Builder|
|line|!-!define x {1}-!|
 * Build sub page with variable expression
|start|Page Builder|
|line|!-x is ${x}-!|
 * fetch sub page.
|Response Requester.|
 * Make sure variable was expressed.
|Response Examiner.|
|type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?|
|contents|x is 1|true||
!3 Make sure child variables override parent variables.
 * Build sub page with both variable definition and expression.
|start|Page Builder|
|line|!-!define x {2}-!|
|line|!-x is ${x}-!|
 * fetch sub page.
|Response Requester.|
 * Make sure variable definition from sub page was expressed.
|Response Examiner.|
|type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?|
|contents|x is 2|true||