To include the content from one page into another you may use the !-!include-! widget

'''!-!include PageName-!'''

For example if you wanted to all the content from .FrontPage to be displayed here you would simply type:

!-!include .FrontPage-!

As a result you will see .FrontPage below:
!include .FrontPage
|!style_code(-seamless)|''causes the included page to be rendered without an enclosing box.''|
|!style_code(-c)|''causes the included page to be collapsed.''|
|!style_code(-setup)|''causes the included page to be used for test/suite setup.''|
|!style_code(-teardown)|''causes the included page to be used for test/suite teardown.''|

!3 '''Watch out for !include cycles'''
Don't include a page that already includes the page that you are including from. ;-)

!3 Including Test snippets
It is often useful to include portions of test tables into your tests. You do this to bring in common setup data or common test sequences (possibly modified with variables).  A convenient way to do this is to use the Backwards Search notation as follows:{{{!include <UtilityPage.MyUtility}}}
This will hunt up the parent chain until !-UtilityPage-! is found, and then its child !-MyUtility-! will be included.