''Previous page: [[!-SetFixture-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.FitLibraryFixtures.SetFixture]] Parent page: [[!-FitLibrary Fixtures-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.FitLibraryFixtures]]'' !2 !-SubsetFixture-! '''!- SubsetFixture -!'''!- is a variation of -!'''!- SetFixture -!'''!- (see -![[!-SetFixture-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.FitLibraryFixtures.SetFixture]]!-) with one difference: the rows in the fixture table can be a subset of the actual rows. -! # section Usage !3 !-Usage-! !-Use -!'''!- SubsetFixture -!'''!- instead of -!'''!- RowFixture -!'''!- and -!'''!- SetFixture -!'''!- when you want to ignore surplus elements (for example, check whether some rows exist in a database regardless of other rows that might be in the same database table).-! ''Previous page: [[!-SetFixture-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.FitLibraryFixtures.SetFixture]] Parent page: [[!-FitLibrary Fixtures-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.FitLibraryFixtures]]''