!c !2 RSS - Real Simple Syndication

Use the following following url to get an RSS feed.

For FitNesse to generate the links properly, the RSS_PREFIX variable must be defined.

Now lets set the RSS_PREFIX variable in the root page so that it is valid for the entire site.  We'll also edit a couple pages.
|Response Requester.|
|uri   |status?|

Get the RSS!
|Response Requester.|
|uri   |status?|

Let's have a look.
|Response Examiner.|
|type  |pattern|matches?|wrapped html?|
|contents|<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"\?>|true||

Make sure it has all the right values.
|Response Examiner.|
|type  |pattern|matches?|
|contents|<rss version="2.0">|true|