!2 Test that ''existing'' WikiPageReference tokens are converted to links.
 * A WikiPageReference is said to be ''existing'' if the page to which it refers already exists in the wiki.
 * A WikiPageReference can be a simple .FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.WikiWord, or it can be a WikiPagePath.
 * A WikiPageReference that begins with a dot ("'''.'''") is taken to be relative to the ''root'' of the wiki.
 * A WikiPageReference that does not begin with a dot is taken to be relative to the parent of the current page.
!3 Test simple relative WikiPageReference.
 * Create pages at the root level.  One page refers to the other.
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|valid?|
|!-SomePage-!|some page|true|
 * Then request the page with the reference
|Response Requester.|
 * Make sure the rendered page has a link.
|Response Examiner.|
|contents|<a href="!-SomePage-!">!-SomePage-!</a>|true||
!3 Test simple global .FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteWidgetTests.WikiWord
 * Create pages at the root level.  One page refers to the other using a global WikiPageReference.
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|valid?|
 * Then request the page with the reference
|Response Requester.|
 * Make sure the rendered page has a link.
|Response Examiner.|
|contents|<a href="!-SomePage-!">!-.SomePage-!</a>|true||
!3 Test relative WikiPagePath
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|valid?|
|!-SomePage.SubPage-!|!-sub page-!|true|
 * Then request the page with the reference
|Response Requester.|
 * Make sure the link is to !-SomePage.SubPage-!
|Response Examiner.|
|contents|<a href="!-SomePage.SubPage-!">!-SubPage-!</a>|true||
!3 Test global WikiPagePath
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|valid?|
 * Then request the page with the reference
|Response Requester.|
 * Make sure the link is to !-SomePage.SubPage-!
|Response Examiner.|
|contents|<a href="!-SomePage.SubPage-!">!-.SomePage.SubPage-!</a>|true||