!1 The below functions are used internally by Slim. They should not be used in normal test cases: * freeSymbol * cloneSymbol This page tests the above functions |import| |fitnesse.slim.test| !|Library| |EchoScript| |TableResultExtractor| !3 Check that the clone $copy of a symbol $q is a real clone and not impacted by a modification of the $q !|script| Test Query| 2| |$q= | query| |show | echo| $q| |$copy= | cloneSymbol | $q| |show | echo| $copy| |start | Test Query | 3| |$q= | query| |show | echo| $q| |show | echo| $copy| |check| echo |$copy| [[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]]]| |check |echo|$q|[[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]], [[n, 3], [2n, 6]]]| !3 Free the symbol !|script| |check| echo |$copy| [[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]]]| |check |echo|$q|[[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]], [[n, 3], [2n, 6]]]| |$q= | free symbol| |check| echo |$copy| [[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]]]| |check |echo|$q|null| !3 Get individual cell values from a query result (List<List<List<Object>>>) !|script| |check| echo |$copy| [[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]]]| |$cell= | getValueFromQueryResultSymbol;| $copy| 0| 2n| |check| echo |$cell| 2| |$cell= | getValueFromQueryResultSymbol;| $copy| 1| 2n| |check| echo |$cell| 4| |$cell= | getValueFromQueryResultSymbol;| $copy| 1| n| |check| echo |$cell| 2| |$cell= | getValueFromQueryResultSymbol;| $copy| 0| n| |check| echo |$cell| 1| !3 Get individual cell values from a table result (List<List<Object>>) |script| |check| echo |$copy| [[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]]]| |$cell= | getValueFromTableResultSymbol;| $copy| 0| 0| |check | echo | $cell |[n, 1]| |$cell= | getValueFromTableResultSymbol;| $copy| 0| 1| |check | echo | $cell |[2n, 2]| |$cell= | getValueFromTableResultSymbol;| $copy| 1| 0| |check | echo | $cell |[n, 2]| |$cell= | getValueFromTableResultSymbol;| $copy| 1| 1| |check | echo | $cell |[2n, 4]| |check | getValueFromTableResultSymbol;| $copy| 1| 1| [2n, 4]| !3 Free the $copy, the $cell value must not be impacted |script| |$cell= | getValueFromTableResultSymbol;| $copy| 1| 1| |$copy= | free symbol| |check | echo | $cell |[2n, 4]|