|import            |

There was a bug in the Scenario selection process that caused a scenario with no inputs to be selected when it should have been method on the driver class.  This happened because the !-ScenarioTable-! class was enhanced to try all rows as parameterized.  So it took "login" and tried "login _ ".  This resulted in the "login" scenario being used instead of the "loginWithUsernameAndPassword" method when "connect as with" scenario was called.  This page demonstrates the fix.

!2 Scenario with no arguments and a shared root
!|scenario |login |
|connect to server|

!|scenario          |connect as|username    |with|password|
|login with username|@username |and Password|@password    |

!2 Scenario With one argument and a shared root.
!|scenario           |login with|name|
|connect to server as|@name          |

!2 Now calling a scenario that does take arguments, but since it isn't in parameterized format, the scenario with an argument isn't called, even though it shares a common root.
!|scenario          |connect as|username    |with|password|
|login with username|@username |and Password|@password    |

!|script                                 |
|start     |Login Dialog Driver|bob |xyzz|
|connect as|bob                |with|xyzz|