In this section you can read about the >TestSystems FitNesse provides out-of-the-box: * [[Fit][>FitFramework]] * [[Slim][>SliM]] Organize tests: * >TestSuites * >SpecialPages * >TestHistory * >AcceptanceTestPatterns Implement the tests: * >FixtureCode * >ClassPath * >VariableScope Running tests: * >RunningAcceptanceTests * >RunningFromJunit * >RunningFromMaven * >CustomizingTestExecution If it does not work directly: * >AttentionMessagesInTestResults * >DebuggingFitNesseTables * >DebuggingFixtureCode Odds and ends: * >RestfulTests Pages can be marked as [[''Test'' pages][TestSystems. In this section you'll learn about creating test tables, linking those to your application code and receiving feedback from you >TestSuites. Each page that has tests will consist of a series of HTML tables. Fitnesse understands various formats of tables, and if those formats are not sufficient, developers are welcome to add additional ones. Generally, the tables take the basic form of a Command cell and some Parameter cells, which are followed by some Output cells. When a test is run, the command and parameters are evaluated to see if the correct output is given. [[The Two minute example][FixtureCode. If you want to learn what the different styles of test tables are and how to apply them, check out >TestSystems and their table types.