When you execute a test page, !-FitNesse-! gathers up the html and passes it to FIT which runs the fixtures and colorizes the HTML appropriately.


Create a simple test page

|script|Page Builder|

Now run the test page.

|Response Requester.|
|uri   |valid?|

|Response Examiner.|

The bgcolor of the cell should turn green

|Response Examiner.|
|type  |pattern|matches?|
|contents|Assertions:.*\s+.*?1 right, 0 wrong, 0 ignored, 0 exceptions|true|

The error log page should not have any errors

|Response Requester.|
|uri   |valid?|

|Response Examiner.|

|Response Examiner.|
|type  |pattern|matches?|
|contents|Exit code.*0.*Time|true|