Shows object composition, a default method, and two different ways of referencing objects.

| script                | lisp interpreter fixture                 |
| check | evaluate text | (load "lisp/object/composition.lisp")    | T    |
| check | evaluate text | (my-fruits :inc-apples)                  | 1    |
| check | evaluate text | (my-fruits :inc-apples)                  | 2    |
| check | evaluate text | (funcall my-fruits2 :dec-bananas)        | 9999 |
| check | evaluate text | (my-fruits :set-coconuts 12)             | 12   |
| check | evaluate text | (my-fruits)                              | ((APPLES 2) (BANANAS 0) (COCONUTS 12))           |
| check | evaluate text | (funcall my-fruits2)                     | ((APPLES 10000) (BANANAS 9999) (COCONUTS 10000)) |