!3 When we move a page that is !included, the !include should be changed appropriately.

First build a page, a subpage to move, and a target page to move it to.  Then build a page that references the sub child to be moved.

|Page creator.|
|Page name.          |Page contents.|valid?|
|!-ParentPage-!        |x                     |true   |
|!-ParentPage.SubPage-!|sub page              |true   |
|!-NewParentPage-!     |x                     |true   |
|!-ReferingPage-!      |!-!include ParentPage.SubPage-!|true   |

Then move the sub page.

|Response Requester.|
|uri   |status?|

Make sure that the refering page now !includes the old page at the new location.

|Response Requester.|

|Response Examiner.|
|type  |pattern|matches?|wrapped html?|

|Response Examiner.|
|type  |pattern|matches?|
|contents|sub page|true|