!3 We should be able to move a page that has sub pages from one location to another. The sub pages should move with the page. First build a page, a subpage to move, sub pages of the sub page, and a target page to move it to. |Page creator.| |Page name. |Page contents. |valid?| |!-ParentPage-! |x |true | |!-ParentPage.ChildPage-! |child page |true | |!-ParentPage.ChildPage.GrandchildPage-!|grandchild page| true | |!-NewParentPage-! |x |true | Then move that page. |Response Requester.| |uri |status?| |!-ParentPage.ChildPage?responder=movePage&newLocation=NewParentPage-!|| Next fetch the moved page. |Response Requester.| |uri|valid?|contents?| |!-NewParentPage.ChildPage-!|true|| Make sure that the sub page can be referenced in it's new location. |Response Examiner.| |type |pattern|matches?|wrapped html?| |contents|child page|true|| Make sure that the grandchild page can be referenced in its new location |Response Requester.| |uri|valid?|contents?| |!-NewParentPage.ChildPage.GrandchildPage-!|true|| |Response Examiner.| |type |pattern|matches?|wrapped html?| |contents|grandchild page|true|| Make sure that there is no sub page beneath !-ParentPage-!. !|Response Requester.| |uri|valid?|contents?| |ParentPage.SubPage?getPage&dontCreatePage|false||