!include <SuiteAcceptanceTests.SetUp |Library| |page driver| |echo fixture| | Page creator. | | Page name. | Page contents. | valid? | | !-SampleWiki-! | !-!contents-! | true | | !-SampleWiki.ChildPageOne-! | child page | true | | !-SampleWiki.ChildPageOne.GrandChildPageOne-! | grand child page | true | | !-SampleWiki.ChildPageOne.GrandChildPageOne.GreatGrandChildPageOne-! | great grand child page | true | | !-SampleWiki.ChildPageTwo-! | child page | true | | !-SampleWiki.ChildPageTwo.GrandChildPageTwo-! | grand child page | true | | !-SampleWiki.ChildPageThree-! | child page | true | | !-SampleWiki.ChildWithUnicode-! | !-Here are some characters that make use of the unicode character set. They were gathered from wikipedia. japanese: メインページ icelandic: Forsíða ukranian: Головна стаття thai: หน้าหลัก greek: Κύρια Σελίδα arabic: الصفحة الرئيسية-! | true |