!define BlockEnd {-!} !| script | | given page | TestPage | with content | ${SUT_PATH} !- !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} | import | | fitnesse.slim.test | | script:echo script | | echo to stdout | This is standard output | | echo to stderr | This is error output | | echo to stdout | !-This is multiline std output std line 2 std line 3-!${BlockEnd}!- | | echo to stderr | !-This is multiline error output error line 2 error line 3 -!${BlockEnd}!- | -! | |check |request page |TestPage?test |200 | |check |request page |TestPage?executionLog |200 | | ensure | content contains | slim:fitnesse.slim.SlimService | | ensure | html without | \r| contains | !- <h4>Standard Output:</h4> <pre>This is standard output This is multiline std output std line 2 std line 3 </pre> <hr/> <h4>Standard Error:</h4> <pre>This is error output This is multiline error output error line 2 error line 3 </pre>-!| |show collapsed |content |