| create page | SuitePage | with content | !-!define TEST_SYSTEM (slim)
!define VARIABLE (some value)-! ${SUT_PATH} |
| make | SuitePage | a suite page |
| create page | SuitePage.ScenarioLibrary | with content | !-Scenario Library: "${VARIABLE}"-! |
| create page | SuitePage.TestPage | with content | !-Test Page: "${VARIABLE}"-! |
| make | SuitePage.TestPage | a test page |

You would expect the variable to be substituted when the test page is executed:

!| script |
| check | request page | SuitePage.TestPage?test | 200 |
| show | content |
| ensure | content contains | Scenario Library: "some value" |
| ensure | content contains | Test Page: "some value" |

Now, it we execute from Suite level, the variable should be substituted too:

!| script |
| check | request page | SuitePage?suite | 200 |
| show | content |
| ensure | content contains | Scenario Library: "some value" |
| ensure | content contains | Test Page: "some value" |