!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} !3 Diff of failed tests !4 Original intentionally failing tests The subordinate page >TestPage collects the following tests. The page is disabled because of many tests fails intentionally. It is useful for manual tests only. !4 Test wrapper for test !*> Tests for type string !| script | |given page|TestPage|with content|${SUT_PATH} !- !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} !| import | | fitnesse.slim.test | Test Strings by plain compare, neither custom compare nor regular expression. In this case detailed diff is wanted. | Detailed Diff | | actual string | expected string? | #comment | | abc | abc | equal | | abc | xyz | completly different | | abc | xbc | first char different | | abc | ayc | middle char different | | abc | abz | last char different | | | xyz | actual empty, expected filled | | abc | | actual filled, expected empty; will be counted as ignored | | <&> | <&> | equal with HTML special chars | | <&> | xyz | completly different with HTML special chars | | <&> | x&> | first char different with HTML special chars | | <&> | <y> | middle char different with HTML special chars | | <&> | <&z | last char differentwith HTML special chars | | | <&> | actual empty, expected filled with HTML special chars | | abc | <&> | completly different with HTML special chars | | abc | <bc | first char different with HTML special chars | | abc | a&c | middle char different with HTML special chars | | abc | ab> | last char different with HTML special chars | | Hello World | Wellcome Lord | no obvious match | Test Strings by regular expression. In this case no detailed diff is wanted. | Detailed Diff | | actual string | expected string? | #comment | | abc | =~/abc/ | match | | abc | =~/a.c/ | match | | abc | =~/\w+/ | match | | abc | =~/\w{3}/ | match | | abc | =~/^\w{3}$/ | match | | abc | =~/\w{1}/ | match | | abc | =~/^\w{1}$/ | no match | | abc | =~/[ABC]+/ | no match | | abc | =~/[ABC]+/i | wrong syntax, disable value comparison, use string comparison | -!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-<span class="pass">abc</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[<span class="diff">abc</span>] <span class="fail">expected [</span><span class="diff">xyz</span><span class="fail">]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[<span class="diff">a</span>bc] <span class="fail">expected [</span><span class="diff">x</span><span class="fail">bc]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[a<span class="diff">b</span>c] <span class="fail">expected [a</span><span class="diff">y</span><span class="fail">c]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[ab<span class="diff">c</span>] <span class="fail">expected [ab</span><span class="diff">z</span><span class="fail">]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[] <span class="fail">expected [</span><span class="diff">xyz</span><span class="fail">]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[<span class="diff">H</span>ello <span class="diff">W</span>or<span class="diff">l</span>d] <span class="fail">expected [</span><span class="diff">W</span><span class="fail">ell</span><span class="diff">c</span><span class="fail">o</span><span class="diff">me</span><span class="fail"> </span><span class="diff">L</span><span class="fail">ord]-!| *! !*> Tests for type int !| script | |given page|TestPage|with content|${SUT_PATH} !- !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} !| import | | fitnesse.slim.test | Test integers by string comparison. In this case detailed diff ist wanted. | Detailed Diff | | actual int | expected int? | #comment | | 1 | 1 | equal | | 1 | 2 | completly different | | 1 | 10 | partially different | | | 1 | completly different | Test integers by value comparison, see <FitNesse.UserGuide.WritingAcceptanceTests.SliM.ValueComparisons In this case no detailed diff is wanted. | Detailed Diff | | actual int | expected int? | #comment | | 1 | >=1 | ok | | 1 | <2 | ok | | 1 | >1 | nok | | 1 | =1 | ok | | 1 | <1 | nok | | 1 | 0<_<2 | ok | | 1 | 2<_<0 | nok, logically wrong | | 1 | 0>_>2 | wrong syntax, disable value comparison, use string comparison | | 1 | 2>_>0 | wrong syntax, disable value comparison, use string comparison | -!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|| *! !*> Tests for type double !| script | |given page|TestPage|with content|${SUT_PATH} !- !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} !| import | | fitnesse.slim.test | Test doubles by string comparison. In this case detailed diff ist wanted. | Detailed Diff | | actual double | expected double? | #comment | | 1.0 | 1.0 | equal | | 1.1 | 222 | completly different | | 1.0 | 10 | partially different | | | 1.0 | partially different | Test doubles by value comparison, see <FitNesse.UserGuide.WritingAcceptanceTests.SliM.ValueComparisons In this case no detailed diff is wanted. | Detailed Diff | | actual double | expected double? | #comment | | 1 | >=1 | ok | | 1 | <2 | ok | | 1 | >1 | nok | | 1 | =1 | ok | | 1 | <1 | nok | | 1 | 0<_<2 | ok | | 1 | 2<_<0 | nok, logically wrong | | 1 | 0>_>2 | wrong syntax, disable value comparison, use string comparison | | 1 | 2>_>0 | wrong syntax, disable value comparison, use string comparison | | 1.0 | ~=1 | ok | | 1.1 | ~=1 | ok | | 0.9 | ~=1 | ok | | 1.0 | ~=1.0 | ok | | 1.1 | ~=1.0 | nok | | 0.9 | ~=1.0 | nok | -!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|| *! !*> Tests of fitnesse symbols !| script | |given page|TestPage|with content|${SUT_PATH} !- !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} !| import | | fitnesse.slim.test | Test symbols by string comparison. | Detailed Diff | | actual symbol | expected symbol? | #comment | | abc | $symbol= | | | $symbol | abc | | | $symbol | xyz | | | $symbol | xbc | | | $symbol | ayc | | | $symbol | abz | | | abc | $symbol | | | xyz | $symbol | | | xbc | $symbol | | | ayc | $symbol | | | abz | $symbol | | | | $symbol | | -!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-<span class="pass">abc</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[<span class="diff">abc</span>] <span class="fail">expected [</span><span class="diff">xyz</span><span class="fail">]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[<span class="diff">a</span>bc] <span class="fail">expected [</span><span class="diff">x</span><span class="fail">bc]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[a<span class="diff">b</span>c] <span class="fail">expected [a</span><span class="diff">y</span><span class="fail">c]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[ab<span class="diff">c</span>] <span class="fail">expected [ab</span><span class="diff">z</span><span class="fail">]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-<span class="pass">$symbol->[abc]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[<span class="diff">xyz</span>] <span class="fail">expected [$symbol->[</span><span class="diff">abc</span><span class="fail">]]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[<span class="diff">x</span>bc] <span class="fail">expected [$symbol->[</span><span class="diff">a</span><span class="fail">bc]]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[a<span class="diff">y</span>c] <span class="fail">expected [$symbol->[a</span><span class="diff">b</span><span class="fail">c]]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[ab<span class="diff">z</span>] <span class="fail">expected [$symbol->[ab</span><span class="diff">c</span><span class="fail">]]</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[] <span class="fail">expected [$symbol->[</span><span class="diff">abc</span><span class="fail">]]</span>-!| *! !*> Tests of custom comparator !| script | |given page|TestPage|with content|${SUT_PATH} !- !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} !| import | | fitnesse.slim.test | Test custom comparator, see FitNesse.UserGuide.AdministeringFitNesse.ConfigurationFile The inverse comparator fitnesse.slim.test.InverseComparator negates the method String.equals(String). | script | Detailed Diff | | note | everything not equals to 'abc' is ok | | check | echo | abc | inverse:xyz | | note | everything not equals to 'abc' is ok | | check | echo | abc | inverse:ABC | | note | everthing not equals to 'abc' is ok | | check | echo | abc | inverse:cba | | note | only 'abc' is nok | | check | echo | abc | inverse:abc | -!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|| *! !*> Tests of scenario !| script | |given page|TestPage|with content|${SUT_PATH} !- !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} !| import | | fitnesse.slim.test | Test Scenario and Script !| Scenario | Detailed Diff Scenario Test | | start | Detailed Diff | | check | echo | hello | hello | | check | echo | hello | hallo | !| Script | | Detailed Diff Scenario Test | -!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-<span class="pass">hello</span>-!| |test results for page|TestPage|should contain|!-[h<span class="diff">e</span>llo] <span class="fail">expected [h</span><span class="diff">a</span><span class="fail">llo]</span>-!| *!