!3 Test normal [[!-SetUp and TearDown-!][.FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SuiteResponderTests.SuiteTestResponders.SuiteSetUpAndTearDown]] ---- * First create a normal page, plus header and footer pages. |Page creator.| |Page name.|Page contents.|Page attributes.|valid?| |!-NormalPage-!|normal||true| |!-TestPage-!|test||true| |!-PageHeader-!|header||true| |!-PageFooter-!|footer||true| |!-SetUp-!|set up||true| |!-TearDown-!|tear down||true| * Then request the normal page |Response Requester.| |uri|valid?| |!-NormalPage-!|true| * Ensure that the header and and footer text appear in the normal page. |Response Examiner.| |type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?| |contents|!-(header).*(normal).*(footer)-!|true|| * Ensure that setup and teardown are not in this page. |Response Examiner.| |type|pattern|matches?| |contents|set up|false| |contents|tear down|false| * Now request the test page |Response Requester.| |uri|valid?| |!-TestPage-!|true| * Ensure that the setup and and teardown text appear in the test page along with the header and footer. |Response Examiner.| |type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?| |contents|!-(header).*(set up).*(test).*(tear down).*(footer)-!|true|| ---- !3 Test that sub pages inherit setups and tear downs. * Create a sub page |Page creator.| |Page name.|Page contents.|Page attributes.|valid?| |!-NormalPage.TestSubPage-!|test sub page||true| * Then request the Sub page |Response Requester.| |uri|valid?| |!-NormalPage.TestSubPage-!|true| * Ensure that the setup and and teardown text are inherited by the sub page. |Response Examiner.| |type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?| |contents|!-(header).*(set up).*(test sub page).*(tear down).*(footer)-!|true|| ---- !3 Test that sub setups and sub teardowns override inherited setups and teardowns. * Create sub setup and sub teardown |Page creator.| |Page name.|Page contents.|Page attributes.|valid?| |!-NormalPage.SetUp-!|sub setup||true| |!-NormalPage.TearDown-!|sub teardown||true| * Then request the Sub page |Response Requester.| |uri|valid?| |!-NormalPage.TestSubPage-!|true| * Ensure that the sub header and and sub footer text are inherited override their parents.. |Response Examiner.| |type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?| |contents|!-(header).*(sub setup).*(test sub page).*(sub teardown).*(footer)-!|true||