Some markup elements can not be nested within other markup elements without creating an ambiguous meaning. In this case, we can use the nesting delimiters '''!-!(-!''' and '''!-)!-!'''.  These delimiters act like parenthesis - they do not add any content to the page but just group the interpretation of the enclosed markup correctly.

We can use this to nest tables, for example:

!-|has| !(|a|nested|table|)! |-!

displays as:

|has| !(|a|nested|table|)! |

Without nesting:

!-|has| |a|nested|table| |-!

is displayed as a single table.

|has| |a|nested|table| |

Nesting always creates a 'virtual' new line, so elements that must start on a new line can be nested within other content.

!-This line has !(!note a nested note)! within.-!

displays as:

This line has !(!note a nested note)! within.

Without nesting:

!-This line has !note a nested note within.-!

displays as:

This line has !note a nested note within.