|import            |

!3 The Dynamic Decision Table is just a special case of the Hybrid Decision table.
With the following rules for getter and setter the behavior of Dynamic Decision Tables is achieved.
!define SLIM_DT_GETTER (!-
!define SLIM_DT_SETTER (!-
|dt: add up change                                                                                                          |
|# description                           |1c         |5c|10c|25c|50c|$1|total cents?|$ total?                               |
|some simple addition                    |2          |2 |4  |0  |0  |0 |52          |0.52                                   |
|save the total cents in a symbol        |56         |0 |0  |0  |1  |20|$totalCents=|21.06                                  |
|now use the total cents that were stored|$totalCents|0 |0  |0  |0  |10|3106        |~=31.1|An example for Value Comparisons|