|import            |

!1 Symbols values and assignments can be used in Table Table fixtures 

!2 Given some symbol values
|script         |
|$A=|echo int|99|
|$B=|echo int|5 |
|$C=|echo int|14|

!2 Then in a Table Table the symbols can be used and values can be assigned to existing or new symbols.
!3 The fixture requires no code to handle symbols!

|table: Table Table Inc First Col|
|$A          |$resultA=          |
|$B          |$resultB=          |
|$C          |$C=                |

|script                     |
|check|echo int|$resultA|100|
|check|echo int|$resultB|6  |
|check|echo int|$C      |15 |

!2 But you can't use assignments done in one row in subsequent rows. 

!include SymbolAssignmentAndReferenceOfTheSameInOneTable

!2 Z is 45 and not 201 :(
!|script                                |
|check|echo int|$Z                   |45|
|check|echo int|$${RUNNING_PAGE_NAME}|13|

This requires symbol aware code in the fixture. 
See TestTableTableImplementingStatementExecutorConsumer how to do this.