If a !-SuiteSetUp-! or !-SuiteTearDown-! page is eecuted without errors, it should be counted as a correctly executed page. !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim} !**< test content !define PATHS { ${SUT_PATH} !-!define TEST_SYSTEM (slim)-! } !define MOCK_TEST { !-| script | fitnesse.fixtures.Pass |-! !-| ensure | ok |-! } *! !|Library| |page driver| |echo fixture| !|given page with content | |page |content | |SuiteParent |${PATHS} | |SuiteParent.SuiteSetUp | | |SuiteParent.SuiteTearDown | | |SuiteParent.TestOneOne | ${MOCK_TEST} | |SuiteParent.TestOneTwo | ${MOCK_TEST} | For normal (HTML) responses: !|script | | check | request page | SuiteParent?suite | 200 | | show | content | | ensure | content contains | <strong>Test Pages:</strong> 4 right, 0 wrong, 0 ignored, 0 exceptions | | ensure | content matches | 0 right, 0 wrong, 0 ignored, 0 exceptions.*>SuiteSetUp</a> | | ensure | content matches | 0 right, 0 wrong, 0 ignored, 0 exceptions.*>SuiteTearDown</a> | Same for XML: !|script | | check | request page | SuiteParent?suite&format=xml | 200 | | show | content | | ensure | content matches | <finalCounts>.*<right>.*4.*</right>.*<wrong>.*0.*</wrong>.*<ignores>.*0.*</ignores>.*<exceptions>.*0.*</exceptions>.*</finalCounts> |