!c !3 Importing pages can be configured to automatically update upon test.

Create a page tree to be imported.
!|Page creator.|
|Page name.   |Page contents.|valid?|
|ImportedRoot|!contents   |true   |
|ImportedRoot.PageOne|page one   |true   |
|ImportedRoot.PageOne.ChildOne|child one   |true   |
|ImportedRoot.PageTwo|page two   |true   |

Create an importing page.
!|Page creator.|
|Page name.   |Page contents.|valid?|
|ImportingPage|!contents   |true   |

This !-ImportingPage-! will now import the !-ImportingRoot-! page created above.
'''Auto Update is turned one'''
!|Response Requester.|
|uri   |valid?|

We see all 3 pages imported.
!|Response Examiner|
|contents|3 pages were imported|true|

Sleep a bit so that the last modification time actually changes.

Change one of the imported pages.
!|Save Page Requester|
|uri   |save contents|status!|
|ImportedRoot.PageOne?edit|Some ultra fresh content|303|

Now lets run the Suite.
!|Response Requester.|
|uri   |valid?|

An import message is displayed in the test output.
!|Response Examiner|
|contents|Updating imported content...|true||

Looking at the imported copy of the modified page will reveal that it was indeed updated.
!|Response Requester.|
|uri   |valid?|

!|Response Examiner|
|contents|Some ultra fresh content|true|