!*> Setup |import | |fitnesse.testsystems.slim.tables| !|scenario |Test Json Method Extractor Configuration _ _ _ _|configuration, example column name, generated method name?,parameter list?| |start |Method Extractor |@configuration | |$RR= |findRule |@exampleColumnName | |start |$RR | |$generatedMethodName=|getMethod Name | |$generatedMethodName=|get Disgraced Method Name | |$parameterList= |getParameters | !|scenario |Test Object Method Extractor Configuration _ _ _|example column name, generated method name?,parameter list?| |start |$TestMethodExtractorConfiguration | |$RR= |findRule |@exampleColumnName | |start |$RR | |$generatedMethodName=|getMethod Name | |$generatedMethodName=|get Disgraced Method Name | |$parameterList= |getParameters | *! !3 Build a JSON configuration string !4 Hint: use this table to construct your Json expression. !|script |Method Extractor | |# |Scope Pattern |Target Name |Parameter List| |add; |Cell\s+(\w+):(\d+)\s* |getRowColumn|$2,$1 | |# used a named group in the pattern | |add; |Named\s+Cell\s+(?<column>\w+):(?<row>\d+)\s*|getRowColumn|$row,$column | |# used a fixed value as parameter | |add; |Header\s+Column\s+(\w+)\s* |getRowColumn|0,$1 | |# Default (match all pattern) catches every column name | |add; |.+ |set |$0 | |# The first matching rule is used. The below will never be used as it comes after the default rule | |add; |Last.* |Unreachable | | |show collapsed |to Json | |$TestMethodExtractorConfiguration=|get fixture | !3 Test the above defined configuration !4 Hint: use this table to test your own definitions. |Test Object Method Extractor Configuration | |example column name|generated method name?|parameter list? | |hallo |set |[hallo] | |Cell A:5 |getRowColumn |[5, A] | |Named Cell BX:451 |getRowColumn |[451, BX] | |Header Column F |getRowColumn |[0, F] | |Cell 7 |set |[Cell 7] | |Last and Least |set |[Last and Least]| !3 Test a JSON configuration string |Test Json Method Extractor Configuration|having|configuration|!- { "FormatVersion":"1.0", "MethodExtractorRules":[ { "Scope":"char at (\\d)", "TargetName":"char at", "Parameters":"$1" }, { "Scope":"index of '(\\w)'", "TargetName":"index of", "Parameters":"$1" }, { "Scope":"Element\\s(\\d)", "TargetName":"get", "Parameters":"$1" }, { "Scope":"property\\s+(\\w*)\\s*", "TargetName":"get property", "Parameters":"$1" }, { "Scope":"has Value\\s+'(\\w*)'\\s*", "TargetName":"contains Value", "Parameters":"$1" }, { "Scope":".+", "TargetName":"set $0", "Parameters":"" } ] } -!| |example column name|generated method name?|parameter list?| |hallo |setHallo |[] | |property abc |getProperty |[abc] | |Element 5 |get |[5] |