!*> Setup

|import                          |

!|scenario            |Test Json Method Extractor Configuration                  _ _ _ _|configuration, example column name, generated method name?,parameter list?|
|start                |Method Extractor                                                 |@configuration                                                            |
|$RR=                 |findRule                                                         |@exampleColumnName                                                        |
|start                |$RR                                                                                                                                         |
|$generatedMethodName=|getMethod Name                                                                                                                              |
|$generatedMethodName=|get Disgraced Method Name                                                                                                                   |
|$parameterList=      |getParameters                                                                                                                               |

!|scenario            |Test Object Method Extractor Configuration                  _ _ _|example column name, generated method name?,parameter list?|
|start                |$TestMethodExtractorConfiguration                                                                                            |
|$RR=                 |findRule                                                         |@exampleColumnName                                         |
|start                |$RR                                                                                                                          |
|$generatedMethodName=|getMethod Name                                                                                                               |
|$generatedMethodName=|get Disgraced Method Name                                                                                                    |
|$parameterList=      |getParameters                                                                                                                |


!3 Build a JSON configuration string

!4 Hint: use this table to construct your Json expression.
!|script                           |Method Extractor                                                        |
|#                                 |Scope Pattern                               |Target Name |Parameter List|
|add;                              |Cell\s+(\w+):(\d+)\s*                       |getRowColumn|$2,$1         |
|# used a named group in the pattern                                                                        |
|add;                              |Named\s+Cell\s+(?<column>\w+):(?<row>\d+)\s*|getRowColumn|$row,$column  |
|# used a fixed value as parameter                                                                          |
|add;                              |Header\s+Column\s+(\w+)\s*                  |getRowColumn|0,$1          |
|# Default (match all pattern) catches every column name                                                    |
|add;                              |.+                                          |set         |$0            |
|# The first matching rule is used. The below will never be used as it comes after the default rule         |
|add;                              |Last.*                                      |Unreachable |              |
|show collapsed                    |to Json                                                                 |
|$TestMethodExtractorConfiguration=|get fixture                                                             |

!3 Test the above defined configuration

!4 Hint: use this table to test your own definitions.

|Test Object Method Extractor Configuration                 |
|example column name|generated method name?|parameter list? |
|hallo              |set                   |[hallo]         |
|Cell A:5           |getRowColumn          |[5, A]          |
|Named Cell BX:451  |getRowColumn          |[451, BX]       |
|Header Column F    |getRowColumn          |[0, F]          |
|Cell 7             |set                   |[Cell 7]        |
|Last and Least     |set                   |[Last and Least]|

!3 Test a JSON configuration string

|Test Json Method Extractor Configuration|having|configuration|!-
    "Scope":"char at (\\d)",
    "TargetName":"char at",
    "Scope":"index of '(\\w)'",
    "TargetName":"index of",
    "TargetName":"get property",
    "Scope":"has Value\\s+'(\\w*)'\\s*",
    "TargetName":"contains Value",
    "TargetName":"set $0",
|example column name|generated method name?|parameter list?|
|hallo              |setHallo              |[]             |
|property abc       |getProperty           |[abc]          |
|Element 5          |get                   |[5]            |