!3 This page tests the inclusion of images. # * First create a page with a set of images in it. # |script| |start|Page Builder| |line|!-!img name-!| |line|!-!img-l name-!| |line|!-!img-r name-!| |line|!-!img -w 512 name-!| |line|!-Image should be inline !img name with the text-!| |line|!-!img-l -w 200 name-!| |line|!-!img-r -w 150 name-!| |line|!-!img -m 5 -b 1 name-!| |line|!-!img-r -w 640 -m 10 -b 2 url-!| |page|!-ImagePage-!| # * Then request that page # |Response Requester.| |uri|valid?|contents?| |!-ImagePage-!|true|| # * Make sure the html is correct for the images included. # |Response Examiner.| |type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?| |contents|a|true|| |Response Examiner.| |type|number|string?| |line|1|!-<img src="name"/>-!| |line|2|!-<img src="name" class="left"/>-!| |line|3|!-<img src="name" class="right"/>-!| |line|4|!-<img src="name" width="512"/>-!| |line|5|!-Image should be inline <img src="name"/> with the text-!| |line|6|!-<img src="name" class="left" width="200"/>-!| |line|7|!-<img src="name" class="right" width="150"/>-!| |line|8|!-<img src="name" style="border:1px solid black;margin:5px 5px 5px 5px;"/>-!| |line|9|!-<img src="url" class="right" width="640" style="border:2px solid black;margin:10px 10px 10px 10px;"/>-!|