Tables can be created very easily from plain text. '''Markup Text''' {{{![ simple plain text pasted from somewhere ]!}}}---- '''Displays as:''' ![ simple plain text pasted from somewhere ]! One note on editing plain text tables with the rich text editor: the content is displayed as {{{ <plaintexttable> simple plain text pasted from somewhere </plaintexttable> }}} In order to add extra lines, use <Shift>-<Enter> to add lines when editing the plain text table. It is not possible to create plain text tables from the rich text editor. ---- These are ''literalized'' tables, so most wiki markup does not work inside them. You can create cells by declaring a delimiter as the first character after the '''['''. Only punctuation characters will work.: {{{![: Name:Bob Address:Here Street:Cranbrook:Zip:60048 ]!}}} '''Displays as:''' ![: Name:Bob Address:Here Street:Cranbrook:Zip:60048 ]! ---- If you want to hide the first row of the table, you can put it right after the delimiter following a space. The first row is still there, it's just hidden. {{{![: Location Name:Bob Address:Here Street:Cranbrook:Zip:60048 ]!}}} '''Displays as:''' ![: Location Name:Bob Address:Here Street:Cranbrook:Zip:60048 ]! ---- If you want to hide the first row but don't want a delimiter, you still need the space right after the '''['''. ---- Example: {{{![ BDD:JukeBoxDriver Given a jukebox with price set to $1.00 When a customer deposits $2.00 And presses B5 And presses C21 Then Stairway to Heaven will play. And Comforably Numb will play. ]!}}} '''Displays as:''' ![ BDD:JukeBoxDriver Given a jukebox with price set to $1.00 When a customer deposits $2.00 And presses B5 And presses C21 Then Stairway to Heaven will play. And Comforably Numb will play. ]!