!| scenario | Given a new wiki page |
| create wiki root |
| save page | TestPage | with content | test data |

!| scenario | When the page is updated |
| save page | TestPage | with content | new test data |

!| scenario | Given a wiki page with history |
| Given a new wiki page |
| When the page is updated |

!| scenario | When the page is again updated |
| save page | TestPage | with content | latest test data |

!| scenario | When the page is deleted |
| delete page | TestPage |

!| scenario | Then the first version can be retrieved |
| check | content for revision | 0 | test data |

!| scenario | Then the second version can be retrieved |
| check | content for revision | 1 | new test data |
#| check | content for revision| 1 | from page |  TestPage|new test data|

!| scenario | Then the current version can be retrieved |
| check | content from page |  TestPage| latest test data|

!| scenario | Then the new version can be retrieved |
| check | content from page |  TestPage| new test data|

!| scenario | Then the deleted page can't be retrieved |
| check | content from page |  TestPage| [Error: Page doesn't exists]|

!| scenario | Then the history size is | historysize |
|check 	|history size| 	@historysize|