Raising an exception with the term "StopSuite" in it will make sure all remaining tests are skipped.

!| script |
| given page | MySuite | with content | ${SUT_PATH} !-
!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
-! |
| given page | MySuite.TestPageA | with content | !-
| import |
| fitnesse.slim.test |

| constructor throws | stop suite |

| table in page A never to be executed |

-! |
| given page | MySuite.TestPageB | with content | !-
| import |
| fitnesse.slim.test |

| table in page B never to be executed |

-! |
| given page | MySuite.TearDown | with content | !-
| import |
| fitnesse.slim.test |

| script | echo script |
| check | echo | tear down after ${PAGE_NAME} | tear down after ${PAGE_NAME} |

-! |
| given page | MySuite.SuiteTearDown | with content | !-
| import |
| fitnesse.slim.test |

| script | echo script |
| check | echo | suite tear down executed | suite tear down executed |

-! |
| test results for suite | MySuite | should contain | table in page A never to be executed <span class="ignore">Test not run</span> |
| ensure | content contains | <span class="pass">tear down after <a href="MySuite.TestPageA">TestPageA</a></span> |
| ensure | content contains | table in page B never to be executed <span class="ignore">Test not run</span> |
| ensure | content contains | tear down after <a href="MySuite.TestPageB">TestPageB</a> <span class="ignore">Test not run</span> |
| ensure | content contains | <span class="pass">suite tear down executed</span> |