!|import | |fitnesse.slim.test| You can store an object instance in a Slim symbol and then use the instance in parameters for methods or constructors. Here createTestSlimWithString(string) is a factory method that creates a new !-TestSlim-! instance, sets the given string and returns the object. The boolean isSame(Object other) method returns whether the other object is the same as the current !-TestSlim-! table actor. The !-getStringFromOther(TestSlim other)-! method returns !-other.getStringArg()-!. !|script |test slim | |$TEST_SLIM_INSTANCE=|create test slim with string|Uncle | |check |get string arg |null | |reject |is same |$TEST_SLIM_INSTANCE | |check |get string from other |$TEST_SLIM_INSTANCE|Uncle| |check |return constructor arg |0 | !-TestSlim-! has a constructor !-TestSlim(int, TestSlim)-! !|script | |start |test slim |1|$TEST_SLIM_INSTANCE| |check |get string arg |Uncle | |check |return constructor arg|1 | |reject|is same |$TEST_SLIM_INSTANCE | An instance stored in a Slim symbol can also be used for instance chaining (ChainWithInstanceTest). !|script|$TEST_SLIM_INSTANCE | |ensure |is same|$TEST_SLIM_INSTANCE|