!|scenario|given installed library echo support|
|note|Library is installed via Library table above|

!|scenario|when a method not present on the fixture is called|

!|scenario|then it should be called on the installed library|
|ensure|echo support called|

!|scenario|given multiple libraries with the same methods|
|note|See for installed libraries the Library table above|

!|scenario|when such a method is called|

!|scenario|then the last library created takes precedence over earlier created libraries|
|ensure|special echo support called|
|reject|echo support called|

!|scenario|given a library installed in the setup page|
|given installed library echo support|

!|scenario|then is should have been invoked on the library in the setup page|
|ensure|echo in set up library called|

!|scenario|then the one one installed in this page takes precedence over the one in the setup page|
|ensure|echo support called|
|reject|echo in set up library called|