GIVEN you want that all decision tables behave like the baseline table 
AND you don't want to add "baeline:" in each table
THEN define the variable SLIM_DT_BASELINE somewhere on our root page

!define SLIM_DT_BASELINE (true)

!*>  Dependencies

|import            |


Given I have at least one milk remaining
Then I should NOT go to the store

|should I buy milk                                              |
|cash in wallet|credit card|pints of milk remaining|go to store?|
|0             |no         |1                      |no          |
|              |           |2                      |            |
|              |           |7                      |            |
|10            |           |                       |            |
|              |yes        |                       |            |
|10            |yes        |                       |            |
|1             |           |1                      |            |