''Previous page: [[!-ColumnFixture-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.BasicFitFixtures.ColumnFixture]] Next page: [[!-RowFixture-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.BasicFitFixtures.RowFixture]] Parent page: [[!-Basic FIT fixtures-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.BasicFitFixtures]]''
!2 !-ActionFixture-!
'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- was originally intended for workflow-style tests that are not repetitive. It uses a UI metaphor to automate other fixtures. -!

# section Table Format
!3 !-Table Format-!
!- The first row of an -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- table always initialises the fixture class, in this case the -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- itself and not a custom subclass. All rows after the first begin with a command cell, followed by command arguments in the remaining cells. Some rows will have two and some will have three cells. The second row is typically used for the -!'''!- start -!'''!- command, which expects one argument &mdash; the class name for the actual fixture to automate. After that, you can use the following commands to describe the test: -!

!- <ul> -!!- <li> -!'''!- check -!'''!- &mdash; executes a method and verifies its value. -!!- </li> -!!- <li> -!'''!- press -!'''!- &mdash; executes a -!'''!- void -!'''!- method without testing anything. -!!- </li> -!!- <li> -!'''!- enter -!'''!- &mdash; executes a method and passes an argument to it. -!!- </li> -!!- </ul> -!!- You can imagine an -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- as an automation tool to populate UI forms and click on buttons that are connected to methods. -!

|check|together|Hello, World|
# section Fixture class
!3 !-Fixture class-!
!- An important difference between -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- and all other fixtures is that you should not extend the -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- class in order to use it. Instead, you should extend the -!'''!- fit.Fixture -!'''!- class directly for your fixture and then pass it on to the -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- using the -!'''!- start -!'''!- command. -!

# section Java Source Code
!3 !-Java Source Code-!
package info.fitnesse.fixturegallery;

public class ActionFixtureTest extends fit.Fixture{
	private String first, second, both;
	public void firstPart(String s){
	public void  secondPart(String s){
	public void join(){
		both=first+ ", "+second;
	public String together(){
		return both;
# section .NET Source Code
!3 !-.NET Source Code-!
using System;

namespace info.fitnesse.fixturegallery
	public class ActionFixtureTest: fit.Fixture
		public String firstPart, secondPart, together;
		public void join()
			together=firstPart+ ", "+secondPart;
# section Python Source Code
!3 !-Python Source Code-!

from fit.Fixture import Fixture

class ActionFixtureTest(Fixture):
    _typeDict = {}

    def __init__(self):
        self.__first  = ""    #< Private attributes (Python convention).
        self.__second = ""
        self.__both   = ""

    # JAVA: void firstPart(String s)
    _typeDict["firstPart"] = "String"
    def firstPart(self, s):
        self.__first = s

    # JAVA: void  secondPart(String s)
    _typeDict["secondPart"] = "String"
    def secondPart(self, s):
        self.__second = s

    # JAVA: void join()
    _typeDict["join"] = "Default"      #< AUTO-DETECT: None = void
    def join(self):
        self.__both = "%s, %s" % (self.__first, self.__second)

    # JAVA: String together()
    _typeDict["together"] = "String"
    def together(self):
        return self.__both

# section Notes
!3 !-Notes-!
!- In the Java version, -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- only works on methods. in the .NET version, -!'''!- enter -!'''!- and -!'''!- check -!'''!- can get and set fields and properties as well. -!

# section Usage
!3 !-Usage-!
!-You can use the -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- to describe UI-style verifications.-!

!- In general, -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- has been replaced by -!'''!- DoFixture -!'''!- (see -![[!-DoFixture-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.FitLibraryFixtures.DoFixture]]!- ) and there are very few reasons why you would want to use an -!'''!- ActionFixture -!'''!- today. -!'''!- DoFixture -!'''!- allows you to write workflow-style tests much easier, with less code in both the fixture and FitNesse table. It also supports direct domain object wrapping. -!

''Previous page: [[!-ColumnFixture-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.BasicFitFixtures.ColumnFixture]] Next page: [[!-RowFixture-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.BasicFitFixtures.RowFixture]] Parent page: [[!-Basic FIT fixtures-!][<UserGuide.FixtureGallery.BasicFitFixtures]]''