!2 Test that variables can be defined as system properties
 * If Fitnesse can not find a variable definition on any pages it will look to system properties.
!3 Test a variable defined in system properties

 * Set a system property.
|System property setter fixture|
 * Create a page that uses that property as a variable.
|start|Page Builder|
|line|!-xKey is ${xKey}-!|
 * Fetch that page.
|Response Requester.|
 * Inspect the text to see if the variable was expressed.
|Response Examiner.|
|type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?|
|contents|xKey is xValue|true||

!3 Test that a variable defined in a page supercedes one set in system properties

 * Set a system property.
|System property setter fixture|
 * Create a page that defines the same variable and uses it.
|start|Page Builder|
|line|!-!define xKey {xValueFromPage}-!|
|line|!-xKey is ${xKey}-!|
 * Fetch that page.
|Response Requester.|
 * Inspect the text to see if the variable was expressed.
|Response Examiner.|
|type|pattern|matches?|wrapped html?|
|contents|xKey is xValueFromPage|true||