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!1 Sequential Argument Processing in Script Tables
''concatenateThreeArgs(String first, String second, String third)'' returns the concatenated arguments, separated by a space
!3 Affixing a semi-colon ";" to the end of a cell's contents should invoke sequential argument processing. Mixing every-other-cell and sequential-cell processing within the same row is permitted.
!|script |fitnesse.slim.test.TestSlim|
|concatenate three args;|1 |2.0 |three |
|concatenate |a |three args; |b |c |
|concatenate three |x |args; |why |zee |
!3 Results of the function call should be equal regardless of processing style.
!|script |
|$RESULT_WITH_EVERY_OTHER_CELL_PROCESSING=|concatenate |a |three |b |args |c |
|$RESULT_WITH_SEQUENTIAL_CELL_PROCESSING= |concatenate three args;|a |b |c |
|$RESULT_WITH_MIXED_PROCESSING= |concatenate |a |three args; |b |c |
!3 Script Table Keywords
!|script |
|check |concatenate three args;|1|2.0|three|1 2.0 three |
|check not|concatenate three args;|a|b |c |something else|
|show |concatenate three args;|a|b |c |
!3 Sequential argument processing can be used in scenario tables
!|scenario|concatenate |input1 |and |input2|and|input3|
|$RESULT= |concatenate three args;|@input1|@input2|@input3 |
!|script |
|concatenate|a |and |b|and|c|
|check |echo string|$RESULT|a b c |
|input1 |input2|input3 |
|x |y |z |
!|script |
|check|echo string|$RESULT|x y z|
!3 Script name's character case should be identical to scenario name's character case.
!|scenario|conCatentate _ _ _ |input1,input2,input3 |
|$RESULT= |concatenate three args;|@input1|@input2|@input3|
!|script |
|conCatentate a b c |
|check |echo string|$RESULT|a b c|
|conCatentate;|a |b |c |
|check |echo string|$RESULT|a b c|
!|scenario|con |input1 |cAt |input2|enate|input3|
|$RESULT= |concatenate three args;|@input1|@input2|@input3 |
!|ConCAtEnate;|input1 |input2 |input3|
|input1 |input2 |input3 |
|x |y |z |
|check |echo string|$RESULT|x y z |
!|Con |input1 |CAt |input2|Enate|input3|
|input1|input2 |input3 |
|x |y |z |
|check |echo string|$RESULT|x y z |