# ground-control A Raspberry Pi project for coordinating actions between systems. ## Configuration ``` cp ground-control.sample.cfg ground-control.cfg ``` ## Installation ``` sudo ./install ``` ## Output By default output will be in `/var/log/syslog`. A separate log file can be used by creating `/etc/rsyslog.d/30-ground-control.conf` containing: ``` if $programname == 'ground-control' then /var/log/ground-control.log & stop ``` and then restart the rsyslog service: ``` sudo systemctl restart rsyslog ``` This log file can be rotated by creating `/etc/logrotate.d/ground-control` containing: ``` /var/log/ground-control.log { rotate 14 daily create missingok notifempty compress delaycompress postrotate /usr/lib/rsyslog/rsyslog-rotate endscript } ```