import colors class CharacterDisplay: def __init__(self, unicorn, minX=0, maxX=15, minY=0, maxY=15): self.unicorn = unicorn self.minX = minX self.maxX = maxX self.minY = minY self.maxY = maxY self.digits = { '0': self.displayZero, '1': self.displayOne, '2': self.displayTwo, '3': self.displayThree, '4': self.displayFour, '5': self.displayFive, '6': self.displaySix, '7': self.displaySeven, '8': self.displayEight, '9': self.displayNine } def displayDigit(self, x, y, digit, color): self.clearDigit(x, y) self.digits[digit](x, y, color) def clearDigit(self, x, y): for y1 in range(y, y-5, -1): for x1 in range(x, x+3): self.setPixel(x1, y1, colors.BLACK) def clearRow(self, y, rowHeight=5): for row in range(y, y-rowHeight, -1): for col in range(self.minX, self.maxX + 1): self.setPixel(col, row, colors.BLACK) def displayTimeDots(self, x, y, color): self.setPixel(x, y-1, color) self.setPixel(x, y-3, color) def displayDegree(self, x, y, color): self.setPixel(x, y, color) self.setPixel(x, y-1, color) self.setPixel(x+1, y, color) self.setPixel(x+1, y-1, color) def displayNegative(self, x, y, color): self.setPixel(x, y-2, color) self.setPixel(x+1, y-2, color) def displaySquare(self, x, y, outlineColor, fillColor): self.fullLine(x, y, outlineColor) self.leftSide(x, y-1, outlineColor) self.leftSide(x, y-2, outlineColor) self.fullLine(x, y-3, outlineColor) self.rightSide(x+1, y, outlineColor) self.rightSide(x+1, y-1, outlineColor) self.rightSide(x+1, y-2, outlineColor) self.rightSide(x+1, y-3, outlineColor) self.setPixel(x+1, y-1, fillColor) self.setPixel(x+1, y-2, fillColor) self.setPixel(x+2, y-1, fillColor) self.setPixel(x+2, y-2, fillColor) def displayZero(self, x, y, color): self.fullLine(x, y, color) self.bothSides(x, y-1, color) self.bothSides(x, y-2, color) self.bothSides(x, y-3, color) self.fullLine(x, y-4, color) def displayOne(self, x, y, color): self.rightSide(x, y, color) self.rightSide(x, y-1, color) self.rightSide(x, y-2, color) self.rightSide(x, y-3, color) self.rightSide(x, y-4, color) def displayTwo(self, x, y, color): self.fullLine(x, y, color) self.rightSide(x, y-1, color) self.fullLine(x, y-2, color) self.leftSide(x, y-3, color) self.fullLine(x, y-4, color) def displayThree(self, x, y, color): self.fullLine(x, y, color) self.rightSide(x, y-1, color) self.fullLine(x, y-2, color) self.rightSide(x, y-3, color) self.fullLine(x, y-4, color) def displayFour(self, x, y, color): self.bothSides(x, y, color) self.bothSides(x, y-1, color) self.fullLine(x, y-2, color) self.rightSide(x, y-3, color) self.rightSide(x, y-4, color) def displayFive(self, x, y, color): self.fullLine(x, y, color) self.leftSide(x, y-1, color) self.fullLine(x, y-2, color) self.rightSide(x, y-3, color) self.fullLine(x, y-4, color) def displaySix(self, x, y, color): self.fullLine(x, y, color) self.leftSide(x, y-1, color) self.fullLine(x, y-2, color) self.bothSides(x, y-3, color) self.fullLine(x, y-4, color) def displaySeven(self, x, y, color): self.fullLine(x, y, color) self.rightSide(x, y-1, color) self.rightSide(x, y-2, color) self.rightSide(x, y-3, color) self.rightSide(x, y-4, color) def displayEight(self, x, y, color): self.fullLine(x, y, color) self.bothSides(x, y-1, color) self.fullLine(x, y-2, color) self.bothSides(x, y-3, color) self.fullLine(x, y-4, color) def displayNine(self, x, y, color): self.fullLine(x, y, color) self.bothSides(x, y-1, color) self.fullLine(x, y-2, color) self.rightSide(x, y-3, color) self.fullLine(x, y-4, color) def fullLine(self, start, row, color): for x in range(start, start+3): self.setPixel(x, row, color) def bothSides(self, start, row, color): self.setPixel(start, row, color) self.setPixel(start+2, row, color) def leftSide(self, start, row, color): self.setPixel(start, row, color) def rightSide(self, start, row, color): self.setPixel(start+2, row, color) def setPixel(self, x, y, color): if x >= self.minX and x <= self.maxX and y >= self.minY and y <= self.maxY: self.unicorn.set_pixel(x, y, *color)